Burapha University’s Graduate School shed light on the university's efforts
to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
at Quezon City University in the Philippines

       On March 8, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Witawat Jangiam (Dean of the Graduate School), Asst. Prof. Dr. Supphasin Thaweesak, (Vice-Dean for Strategic Planning, Research, and International Affairs and Research) received an invitation to speak at Quezon City University in Manila, the Philippines, about the significance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By providing instances of Graduate School operations at Burapha University that align with the Sustainable Development Goals. As well as exchanging knowledge in activities related to both universities, particularly with regard to SDGs 4 (Quality Education), SDGs 5 (Climate Action), and SDGs 17 (Partnership for the Goals) in the creation of policies that will support the SDGs. Along with exchanging research experiences, publishing research articles in the SCOPUS database that align with the Sustainable Development Goals. They also provided examples of significant research and activities. About a 100 interested people as well as administrators from Quezon City University attended the event.

Project Leader: Graduate School